Projects we completed 2020
Iz proizvodnje lesenih žebljičkov za čevljarsko industrijo smo se po letu 1990 preusmerili v proizvodnjo lesenih klinov, ki se uporabljajo v procesu bobnastega poliranja plastičnih izdelkov, predvsem v proizvodnji gumbov in okvirov za očala. Na tem področju smo bili glavni dobavitelj podjetju Safilo d.o.o. v Ormožu.
Visited civilly demesne
Vanity day giving points
Our services
Malin d.o.o. operates in three areas:
Wooden pegs are used in the polishing process of plastic products, e.g. in the manufacture of buttons and spectacle frames. In the polishing process, a polishing agent is first applied to the wooden pegs, then the pegs are put into polishing drums and the object to be polished is added.
Plastic injection moulding
We use plastic injection moulding machines to make products for a well-known customer, and we also mould components for our in-house switches. At the customer’s request, we can also manufacture tools for new products in cooperation with a partner toolmaker.
Electricity production
In 2012, we built a new small hydropower plant. This is also a continuation of a family tradition, as the new plant replaced a small hydroelectric power plant that was built by our ancestors just before World War II.
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Leseni klini
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Več kot 100 letna tradicija
Od ustanovitve podjetja leta 2005 nadaljujemo več kot 100-letno družinsko tradicijo izdelave lesenih klinov.
Podjetje Malin d.o.o. deluje na treh področjih: lesna galanterija, brizganje plastike in proizvodnja električne energije v lastni MHE.
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